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3 content ideas for making the most of carousel posts

Carousel posts are a really fun way to engage your audience by making the most of the visual elements of social media platforms. But how are you supposed to fill up to 10 different slides (at least on Instagram)? Here are some ideas for creating highly engaging carousel posts. 

An unexpected reveal

You don’t have to use all 10 potential slides. A 2 slide reveal is simple but effective and directs people to look at your caption. Ask a question about your industry. Ask either something that your ideal client really wants to know - it’s a nagging problem - or ask an intriguing - even silly - question that will spike their curiosity.

Then answer the question in the next slide with just a couple of words that reveal part of the answer but not the whole solution. Word it in a way that is curious enough that they want to find out more by reading the caption. 

For example, “What does a [your profession] do when they want to…

A step by step process

If you’re giving loads of value and walking your audience through some kind of step by step process, turn it into a carousel post. A really long caption isn’t the most appealing. Generally, social media users are much more forgiving when they can read that information across multiple slides in a carousel post. 

State the process and the number of steps involved in the process and then get into it. Number each step and give it a snazzy subtitle before getting into it on each slide. When giving so much value it’s fair to ask a higher effort call to action like joining your email list or buying an offer. Direct them to the caption in the final slide where you sell that CTA. 

For example, “The X essential steps to _ according to a [your professional qualifier]

Service options

You know how your services work really well. Your audience doesn’t. Even if you’ve talked about your services hundreds of times. Not everyone sees every post. Neither does everyone remember the details. A carousel post is an aesthetically pleasing way to present your service options. 

Break down your packages or the stages involved in your signature service so your audience knows exactly what to expect and can make an informed buying decision. Don’t assume anything. Simplify what you do as much as possible.

For example, “Everything included in my…

There you have it - 3 pieces of content that will power up your carousel posts.

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Feeling stuck because you like these content ideas but know you just don’t have the time or headspace to turn them into pieces of content for your business? I can write your content for you. 

Go make content magic!