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3 Strategies To Lead People To Your Sales Page

So they can become clients that give you feedback like “I love what you!”

I’ll set the scene. You’ve worked really hard on crafting a sales page that meets your clients where they are, explains your solution and backs it up with your experience. (The Sexy Sales Page Template helped nicely!)

Now you need to get people actually reading your beautifully crafted copy. That probably won’t happen without a little bit of marketing activity such as…

Link it like crazy!

The easier you make it for your audience to find digital marketing material, the more likely they will get there. So linking to the sales page web address in emails and blogs is super handy.

  • Whenever you mention the service/programme by name, link it.

  • Whenever the CTA asks your audience to check out the service/programme, link it.

  • For good measure, add CTA buttons to your emails and blogs. It stands out from the rest of the copy.

  • Don’t forget about your website copy either. Is your sales page linked on your main menu, homepage and about page? Your website visitors shouldn’t have to do a jig around your website to find the good stuff - your amazing service/programme.

Repurpose sections from your sales page

I included everything I included in The Sexy Sales Page Template because that’s what potential clients tend to want to know before committing to a service/programme. Share that information widely. It doesn’t have to be hidden on your sales page. It could motivate them to head over and read it. For example:

  • Outline what is included in your service/programme in a social media post.

  • Explain how you deliver your service/programme and why that makes it so effective in an email.

  • Answer FAQs because the sooner you ease concerns, the better.

Make the most of good copy by sharing powerful wording whenever you can.

State specific results

Your sales page explores the emotional situation your client is in, where they want to get to, how your service/programme gets them there as well as all the practicalities they need to know and questions they might have. You can’t really go into all that detail in individual pieces of content marketing. So don’t try.

State a specific result you or a client have got from your solution to capture attention and motivate people to head over to your sales page for all the details. It could be a specific number representing a practical change or a lifestyle change representing an emotional change. Get people excited about what’s possible and offer them the exact solution to make it possible.

Give it a go yourself and let me know how you get on. 

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