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5 blocks preventing consistent content creation

“You’ve got to show up all day every day!” At least that’s the message we’re getting from a lot of experts in the marketing field. I’m not one of those people.


It’s not realistic and not necessary! Overconsumption and overcreation of content are both very real things. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve faced them both. We can’t create more content than our creative and energetic well provides and our ideal clients can’t consume more than they have the capability to process. 

Content marketing consistency that will help your business means getting into a rhythm that aligns with your other commitment and keeps your audience engaged. It’s more important to post regularly than frequently. 

But that won’t solve all your consistent content marketing problems. There are blocks that prevent us from creating content rhythmically and leave us feeling like we want to pack it all in. Here are 5 blocks you might be facing (and their solutions) so you can get your writer’s mindset in gear. 

You aren’t aligned with why you’re doing it

Content creation is a thankless task if you’re not connected to a real purpose. I’m sure there are plenty of things you’d rather do in between Zoom calls than write! It’s easy to get stuck on autopilot and share on socials, email and blogs because you know you should. 

What do you actually want to achieve through each piece of content?

It could be to gain more followers. Or to start a conversation about an important topic in your industry. Maybe to get people over to your website. What impact does that have on your relationship with your audience?

By having the end result of content creation in mind, you’ll find yourself a lot more motivated to keep on top of your posting schedule. 

You aren’t connecting to bigger picture success

Each marketing channel is a vehicle for your business’ success. You want to grow beyond the success indicators of that particular channel and turn leads into happy customers. That means you need to think beyond the metrics. 

Likes, comments, subscribers, views and such are useful guides. But if you still aren’t getting sales, your content isn’t doing its job. Write for the clients you want to work with, not for the profiles that will interact with your content - they aren’t necessarily the same. You’ll feel a lot more satisfied with your content marketing efforts. 

You don’t really know what you have to say and who to

The blank page is a very familiar sight. When it comes to sticking to a schedule you get stuck because often you can’t magic up something powerful to say. You’re not really sure what your audience needs to hear from you, especially as random personal content seems to do better than the stuff you spend hours perfecting. 

To come up with things to share in your content, you’ve got to narrow down the possibilities. If you’re trying to write to anyone who could possibly need coaching, for example, you’ll spend all your time sorting through the mountain of things you could possibly say. If you get specific about who you want to reach and the message you have for them, content ideas are much easier to find. 

You lack confidence in your writing abilities

The world seems to like to split people into the category of they can’t write or they’re amazing writers. Nothing is ever that binary. You don’t need to be a perfect linguist to create successful content for your business. Obviously, there are some strategies and techniques that can improve content. But at the end of the day, you have a strong connection with your ideal client and expressing that is impactful. 

In fact, the more you tell yourself you’re “not a writer”, the more you’ll struggle with it. Give yourself the freedom to experiment and get it wrong first so you can get it right later. You have time to learn and improve. 

You don’t know what to do when you’re struggling

Every business owner creating their own content struggles at one point or another. There are so many potential reasons behind it. Maybe you’re not getting the results you want. You could be struggling to focus and find time to write. It could be the overwhelm of content creation and not having any experience of it that’s got you paralysed. 

You’re not alone in this. Having a support network and safe space to share and fix your struggles can make all the difference. Is there a biz friend you can confide in? What about an accountability buddy? What would you like to upskill in?

If you need it, I’ve formed a support network and safe space for business owners who create their own content. The Show Up Online Club provides you with a monthly training session, 3 cowriting sessions for accountability and support, self-paced resources and discussion boards for between sessions. Check out the details to figure out if it could help you.

What now?

Consistency doesn’t come from treating yourself like a content creation robot. It is fostered by an understanding of the complexities of showing up. From strategy to mindset, there’s a lot that goes into creating a strong online presence. Give yourself grace as you get into your content marketing rhythm. 

What’s one action you can take this week to get one step closer to content marketing consistency? Here are a few ideas:

  • Map out your customer journey to help you understand the role of each marketing platform

  • Track your business growth alongside your content marketing metrics for a wider view of what’s going on

  • Write a specific client avatar and what they need to hear to overcome their problem and choose you as the solution

  • Come up with an emergency plan that directs you to people and resources that will support you when you get totally stuck

Has The Show Up Online Club intrigued you? I offer a free on-demand taster session that you can access HERE.