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Optimise your content for a new product launch

Whether it’s a course that will get you passive income or a bespoke coaching program that will give your ideal client a level of support you’ve never offered before, you need to optimise your content for a new product launch. Launching a new product is one of those rollercoaster moments in your entrepreneurial journey. 

You get the buzz of putting something new out into the world and the fulfilment of being able to help your ideal client in a whole new way. On the other hand, your workload increases and so does the amount of tasks you have to complete outside of your zone of genius. It feels like you’re supposed to know everything and have all the time in the world to complete it to a high standard. 

The launch struggle can be broken down into a sentence:

What matters to you most right now is connecting with your audience and sharing this new opportunity with them so you don’t want to be held back by all the behind the scenes work. 

Let’s get the ball rolling on getting the behind the scenes work done to a high standard so you can focus on your amazing prospects. Here is the 5 step process for optimising your content for your new product launch. 

1 Establish your authority ASAP

The foundation of whether your prospects will buy from you or not is whether they believe you know what you’re talking about. So far you’ve worked on proving yourself within your niche. Now it’s time to get more specific and make it clear that you’re an expert in the exact topic your new product covers. 

Share your knowledge and experience before you’ve even hinted at a launch. That will make your new product a natural progression for those following along. Content that establishes your authority includes relevant client case studies, your personal experience and educational posts. Before you sell, make sure you are someone your ideal client would consider buying from. 

2 Research, research research!

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a business owner is making assumptions. Don’t assume anything about your ideal client, your competitors or your industry as a whole. Doing that extra bit of research before you even start writing will give you valuable insights into what your ideal client needs to hear from you, how to stand out from your competitors and trends within your industry. 

Look into successful competitors on the platforms you’ll be posting content on. What is working well for them? What are they missing? What wording are their clients using in testimonials and what does that tell you about what your ideal client is looking for? Look into your own content to see what has really resonated with your audience and brainstorm how you could use that to your advantage in your launch content. The more aware you are, the easier it will be to hit the mark when marketing your new product. 

3 New traffic generation 

Use the excitement of the launch to generate new leads and hype up your current audience. Just announcing your new product isn’t going to have much of an impact on your prospects, new or old. Take them on a journey where purchasing your new product is the logical answer for fulfilling their desires. 

So create a new lead generation tool. This could be a guide, quiz or webinar. Make sure it is highly relevant to your new product and can naturally lead to introducing it to them. Then have it available to people who sign up with their email and curate a follow-up email sequence. It’s an easy way to filter out who is most interested in the topic of your new product and focus your attention on them as the most likely to convert. An optimised email sequence gives you the best chance of converting everyone you can who has shown interest. 

4 Compelling promotional copy 

From your sales page to your social media posts, your launch copy needs to work together, using the insights you gained from market research, to share the message of how awesome your product is. This message should be consistent across platforms so it’s crystal clear what your product is, who is helps and how it helps. 

Get specific with this. No one is going to be attracted to vague promises targeted towards pretty much anyone. Nail down the specific transformation your product provides and the exact type of person who will benefit most from it. Writing about your ideal clients’ experiences in detail will resonate with them deeply. 

5 Energised post-purchase content

A big misconception in the online world is that selling ends when you’ve been paid. That’s not the case for an optimised sales process. You have to keep impressing your clients throughout their time with you. That’s how you get testimonials that convert, referrals and repeat business. You are literally leaving money on the table if you forget about your post-purchase content.

Depending on your exact product your post-purchase content could include: 

  • a thank you email validating their decision to purchase

  • a welcome brochure explaining how your program works

  • check-in emails to encourage them throughout the process

  • offboarding emails summarising your journey together, asking for a testimonial and letting them know about your referral program

Further support for optimising your content for a new product

Follow these steps and you’ll have a solid funnel of content supporting you as you launch your new product. I’ve worked with various clients to help them execute their launch content to a standard they are super proud of. Whether they’re struggling with finding the time or getting the words to come out in the right way, as their launch copywriter I have helped them to have an effective launch. For options on how I can help you, check out my services.