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4 easy ways to slash your content writing time

Efficiency is the lifeblood of a business, especially when your team consists of ‘me, myself and I’. The only hours you have to put into the business are the ones available to you. So you’ve got to make the most of them. 

In terms of your priorities, content writing doesn’t make it very high on the list. That’s understandable because your clients come first and foremost. It’s just to keep those clients coming, you’ve got to show up online. 

Fear not, I can help you make content writing less of a burden by cutting down the time it takes up in your schedule. Here are my top tips for writing efficiently. 

Plan ahead

You’re making your life harder by coming up with content ideas on the spot. Creativity doesn’t tend to thrive under pressure. You’re so desperate to come up with anything, it might not actually be what your ideal client wants from you. 

Plan ahead your content ideas and even if you don’t get round to writing the piece of content until the day of posting, you’d have time to mull it over and the idea would’ve developed in your mind. Trust me a lot of creativity happens in your subconscious when you’re doing other tasks. 

Chunk your time

The best writing happens in the zone. You need to get into the flow of things which is why often the first stuff you write gets replaced by better stuff developed later on. If possible, take a few hours or an afternoon to write multiple pieces of content at once. 

The writing process itself has multiple steps to it. I’d recommend chunking idea creation, writing the first draft and editing for posting into three separate sessions. Each involves a different mindset and focus. Chunking your time in general makes you much more productive so why not use it to speed up your content writing process?

Know your end goal

As well as knowing the topic you’re writing about, it’s a good idea to know the end goal of that piece of content. What’s the point? What do you want your audience to do in response? That can be summarised in the call to action, the other part of a piece of content I suggest you plan ahead. 

How you write and what you include in a piece of content where you will ask your audience to buy from you is completely different from how you write and what you include in a piece of content where you’re just asking readers to follow you. The language, concepts and situation you’re writing for differ. So know where the piece of content is going before you start to write. 

Have a structure

Even better than knowing your end goal and CTA is knowing the structure of the piece of content you’re writing. Frameworks and templates will really come in handy here. You know your expertise inside out. But condensing it into a digestible and compelling piece of content isn’t as easy. 

What if you didn’t even have to think about it? The marketing side of how to structure a post has been taken care of for you. If you like the sound of that, you’ll like the sound of The Content Oracle. It’s my monthly membership to get access to a vault of content marketing structures, frameworks and resources that is updated with 5 resources a month, at least. 

Find out how to write a social media post that deals with objections, how to write an email welcome sequence following a lead magnet and how to write a listicle blog post. Plus more! As a member, you can always request what resources you want in the membership. When you first join, your first request is fast-tracked, being added to the membership within 2 weeks of your joining. 

The membership fee you join at is the membership fee you pay for life, even as it increases by £10 with every 10 resources that are added to the vault. So what are you waiting for? New resources are always in the works. Join The Content Oracle now. 

Despite being a business copywriter with a degree in creative writing, I can safely say that you don’t need to be an expert in content marketing to do it successfully. You know your business and your ideal client inside out which gives you a distinct advantage. You just need some guidance with the writing and marketing part. Want to make content marketing easier together?