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A £35 a month rolling subscription to access the existing vault of content frameworks and the 5 new resources that are added each month

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  • Request resources you’d like me to add to the vault

Create an account to get started!

A £50 a month rolling subscription that gives you access to everything in the vault alongside the weekly live sessions that include training, guided content planning and interactive coworking

  • Cancel any time

  • Book 1:1s with me for direct feedback

Create an account to get started!

You are doing awesome, disrupting your industry and providing the transformation your clients so desperately need. You do it with heart. You do it with passion. You could talk about the change you want to make until the cows come home. And you should! People need to know about what you do. So putting out content online will further your cause. 

But creating content about your mission, expertise and services… Well, it’s a little complicated.

Pretty much every second of your day is accounted for, jumping from Zoom call to Zoom call, replying to emails and Whatsapp messages and doing all the awkward admin bits. 

When you do have time for content creation, you end up staring at a blank page for ages. What do you write? How do you word it? How do you make it appealing enough to win over new clients? Soon your mind wanders off to that email you just replied to and that client problem you’re unpicking and whether you have any food in the fridge or if you’re going to have to get a takeaway for dinner again. 

Simply put, you don’t have the time, space in your mind or confidence in what makes content marketing good content marketing to produce the content you want and your audience members need to become clients. 

So where do we go from here?

Outsourcing to a copywriter or social media manager isn’t an option. Your clients work closely with you so it’s important to you that they read your words and hear your voice

You go through periods of research, reading how-to post after how-to post on Instagram, LinkedIn, blogs and even opting in for PDF guides and attending free webinars. You daydream about emulating other people’s content which seems to be doing amazingly. But you never take action. You get overwhelmed. There’s too big a leap from what they’re doing and telling you to do and actually sitting down to write content. 

The problem persists. Content continues to be a frantic second thought, a stressful chore and a thorn in your side as the hours you spend on it never seem to pay off. 

In your wildest dreams…

Your words would flow with ease and you could write a piece of social media content in under an hour without sacrificing quality. Because you’re not wasting time faffing around trying to figure out how to approach every bit of content, you finally get around to the longer form content you’ve been meaning to create including emails and blogs. 

You’re proud of everything you put out. Coming from a place of confidence and conviction and following an intentional strategy, every piece of content serves as a key touchpoint in your audience’s journey. Each time, their relationship with you is strengthened and they take a step closer to working with you. Your content marketing is a money-making asset. 

A £35 a month rolling subscription to access the existing vault of content frameworks and the 5 new resources that are added each month

  • Cancel anytime

  • Request resources you’d like me to add to the vault

Create an account to get started!

A £50 a month rolling subscription that gives you access to everything in the vault alongside the weekly live sessions that include training, guided content planning and interactive coworking

  • Cancel any time

  • Book 1:1s with me for direct feedback

Create an account to get started!

Let’s make this a reality!

Not by shelling out all your budget on a marketing consultant. 

Not by spending hours and hours on a content writing course. 

By exchanging a small membership fee to access a vault of content frameworks that guide you step by step on how to write specific types of content for certain purposes. No need to overthink it. Just get writing, posting and enjoying the results. 

Being a member of The Content Oracle, you get access to content structures for:

  • The most frequently updated content platform - social media

  • The content platform for connecting with warm leads - email marketing

  • The place where you prove your expertise and drive website traffic - blogs

  • The behind-the-scenes bits - strategies and tech walkthroughs

I’d recommend joining ASAP because:

  • At least 5 new resources are added each month

  • The price your join at is the price you lock in for life

  • As a thank you for joining your first resource request will be added to the vault within 2 weeks

  • These frameworks guide you through a structure and strategy so you can still use your own words

But surely I can save myself from joining another membership and just keep doing it myself?

You could. But why would you continue to:

  • Start every piece of content from scratch

  • Waste time faffing around figuring out what you’re doing 

  • Get frustrated over your content not getting your business traction or making money

When you could make your life so much easier and your content so much more effective.

Hi, it’s me - Rebecca!

Your membership host, content framework creator and copywriter. 

It’s my job to help you get your message out there and to elevate your voice. I created The Content Oracle to make this as easy as possible for you. I know all too well the whirlwind of taking the path less travelled. 

I started my content writing business Powered Up Content in 2020. Yes that year. I’d just graduated from university with a degree in Creative Writing, excited to use my well-honed skills but obviously struggling to find a way to do that. So I created my own job and started freelance writing. I enjoyed supporting small businesses, particularly trailblazing entrepreneurs, so much that I never looked back. 

That means my content structures are focused on creative expression, compelling wording and empathetic marketing.

What people are saying about me…

“The structure of the process Rebecca has developed was easy to follow without being overly-simplistic (no egg-sucking in sight!) I will be using this process again and again for my social copywriting.”

— Joelle

“I posted it later that day and had the most engagement I've ever had on a post!”

— Jen

“I was impressed with how intuitively she understands all aspects of communication.”

— Catherine

“Thank you for jumping in with strategies that help me push through writer's block. I am writing more than I ever have!”

— Linsey

Some FAQs you may be pondering over

Decisions, decisions. Let me help you out by answering some common questions. 

How long am I committing to?

A month. We take it month by month in The Content Oracle. For as long as you find exploring the vault of resources and the new frameworks added useful.

What if the sort of content I want to write isn’t in the vault?

Don’t worry, I got you. You’re always able to request resources as a member and I’ll work to get it into the vault as soon as possible. Your first request will be fast-tracked to thank you for joining The Content Oracle. 

How do I know this is right for me?

I’ll break it down. You run a business and write the content marketing for that business. You want to keep writing the content to build a close relationship with your future clients. But it feels like a bit of a chore because it takes time, you’re not 100% sure what you’re doing and you’re struggling to get results from it. You need a simple and easy solution that doesn’t take all your time and money while preserving your authenticity and elevating your unique voice. 

Try it out for free by attending an open day.

Okay let’s do this. Consult The Content Oracle for the first time!

Still weighing it up? Book an ‘Is The Content Oracle right for me?’ call.