3 content ideas for when you’ve fallen off the marketing train

It happens! It even happens to me. I still write all my content marketing for my business. Sometimes I get super busy and time management gets thrown out of the window. Sometimes life happens and I’m not in the headspace to show up. Sometimes I fall off the marketing train even though I’m a big believer in consistency. 

That’s okay. What matters is that you pick yourself up and get back on it. Although it can feel more difficult than usual when you’re out of the habit. You don’t need to write a long apology. What your audience needs is for you to continue to serve them. Here’s how. 

#1 Answer an FAQ 

This is a super easy piece of content to get you writing again. Think of the last time you talked to a client in a sales or onboarding call. What did they ask you? The question could be about your area of expertise (like how to write an effective email newsletter) or a question about your services (like the timeline of the project). Both are useful to answer directly in a piece of content. 

For example, “Want to know [FAQ]? You’re not alone…

#2 How they can work with you in that period of time 

After going silent, or at least not as present, for a bit, it’s a good idea to remind people of what you actually do. There could be people who intended to enquire about a specific service but got distracted and they haven’t seen you pop up in a while to remind them. Break down your service options, the results they provide, what they involve, the price and how to get started. 

For example,How you can work with me on _ in QX…

#3 How your business has changed over time

This is a nice moment of reflection for you which feeds people’s curiosity about what it’s like to do what you do. I posted an Instagram Reel on this topic which did pretty well. What are three things you do differently in your business now? It could cover services you offer, how you deliver those services, your mindset and boundaries or anything else that affects how you show up in your business. 

For example, “3 ways I’ve changed how I run my business over the years…

There you have it - 3 pieces of content to get you back into content marketing. 

If you found this helpful, copy the URL and share it with a fellow business owner. They can sign up to be the first to hear about next week’s content prompts by scrolling to the sign up form at the bottom of the page. 

Feeling stuck because you like these content ideas but know you just don’t have the time or headspace to turn them into pieces of content for your business? I can write your content for you. 

Go make content magic!


3 content ideas for making the most of carousel posts


3 questions your audience wants you to answer