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Can I answer your question now…

  • Yes, I know every businesses’ copywriting needs are different so together we can curate a project plan that works for you. What’s shared here is a guide for what is possible when we work together.

  • I charge per item instead of per hour because different copywriting services require different levels of skills and have a different value to you as a business. It also makes invoicing easier.

  • Yes, depending on the cost of the project I can send invoices in instalments as the project progresses but I will need to take a deposit of at least a third before I start work.

  • I’m open to all industries. The values of the business are more important to me. Businesses that care about making a positive impact and creating a real connection are my perfect clients.

  • No, while I live in Cambridge, I’ve worked with clients across the world. As long as you want your copy to be written in English, I can adapt my copy to your preferred spelling.

  • Yes, a round of detailed edits are included in all my copywriting packages to ensure that you receive copy you’re excited to share with your audience.

  • Emulating the brand voice of the business I’m working for is really important to me because I know it will affect their success. I take time at the beginning of working with a client to really understand their business. This involves a questionnaire and an onboarding call where I ask questions that dig deeper. Then I summarise my findings into a Brand Voice document that I can refer to whenever I write for that client.

  • Please book an initial consultation and fill out my enquiry form first to give me some initial info. Then we can jump on a call to confirm the details of how we’ll work together.


 Enquiry Form