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3 stories you need to tell your clients before they work with you

There’s a lot of hype around storytelling-based marketing (at least in my Instagram feed). That’s for a good reason. We can come up with all kinds of fancy psychological techniques to sell products but when it comes down to it we’re human and how do humans connect? Through stories. 

Stories are the vehicle for developing relationships with our closest loved ones with conversations that begin “Did I ever tell you about the time when…” as well as complete strangers through TV shows, films and books. 

So if you want to build a strong enough relationship with your audience members so they feel comfortable working with you, build a bank of stories you can share in your content. 

Relate to your ideal client

Matilda by Roald Dahl was one of my favourite books growing up because I saw myself in her. Not in all ways. My headteacher wasn’t quite that cruel and I couldn’t move things with my eyes. But I read a lot of books and felt misunderstood. That was enough for me to feel an affinity for her as a character. 

So don’t worry if you don’t have the exact same journey as your ideal client. There will be connections - feelings, goals, hobbies, fears. A connection to spark a wonderful relationship. So share a story that your ideal client can relate to in your content. 

For example: I remember as if it were yesterday the feeling of _ when I…

Inspire your ideal client

We want our audience to take action in response to our content. Ideally, we want them to work with us. Before that they will probably take smaller steps such as following us, joining our email list or booking a call. The thing is that it’s easier to not. In the moment, it feels easier to your audience to not do anything at all. 

Tell a story that inspires action by focusing on the outcome. We are willing to take action when we feel like the outcome of action is worth the hassle. So what is it like to work with you, benefit from your emails or be part of your world in another way? What do your clients get to enjoy? How does that feel?

For example: She breathed a huge sigh of relief because…

Quest with your ideal client

Quest stories are some of the most impactful. Trust me, I have witnessed this up close. My boyfriend and his family are obsessed with the Lord of the Rings! We like to root for the underdog. We like to see good overcome evil. We like to witness characters grow and change and get what they deserve in the end. 

So tell the story of your ideal client as the hero and you as the trusty sidekick or wise mentor. How do you journey together to complete the quest? How do you make it easier for them? What do they get in the end?

For example: Here’s the map to [their desire]. Let me show you the way…

There you have it - 3 content ideas for the marketing material you can put out this week to build trust with your audience members. 

If you found this helpful, copy the URL and share it with a fellow business owner. They can sign up to be the first to hear about next week’s content prompts by scrolling to the sign up form at the bottom of the page. 

Feeling stuck because you like these content ideas but know you just don’t have the time or headspace to turn them into pieces of content for your business? I can write your content for you. 

Go make content magic!