6 Marketing Tips for Scaling Through 1:Many Offers

Ready for your business to grow beyond you? You’ve got transformational expertise to share. So transformational that your work schedule is booked up and you can’t take on any more 1:1 clients. The next logical step was to enter the world of 1:Many offers and transfer your expertise into an online course or some kind of other digital product. 

Let the scale commence!

However, it is a bit of a learning curve because marketing 1:Many offers isn’t exactly the same as marketing 1:1 offers. If you’re ready to see your 1:Many customer base expand, try these tips for getting your message out there to the right people.

1 - Reframe passive income and limitless income opportunities

The name passive income is used a lot but it’s slightly misleading. Yes, it allows you to passively deliver your expertise because you record an online course once and then it’s done. It’s just that the marketing of your 1:Many product isn’t totally passive. A sales funnel can be automated. That’s great. Although filling your sales funnel with leads doesn’t happen by magic. 

I prefer to call 1:Many offers ‘limitless income opportunities’ because there is no limit to the number of people you can help from this income source but it does take a bit of marketing work upfront. Setting the right expectations when marketing is vital. Without a clear overview of what’s going on in your marketing, it’s easy to get stuck. 

2 - Create a new ideal client avatar

Despite transferring the expertise you share with your 1:1 clients into a 1:Many format, you’re not selling to exactly the same people. Different types of people want to work with you in different ways. There are people who will only want to work with you 1:1 because they value custom solutions highly. Then there are people who have known about you for years but never felt like the 1:1 option was right for them so will jump on the 1:Many option. 

So create a new avatar for the type of customer who will be perfect for your 1:Many offer. There will be similarities with your 1:1 client profile. There will also be key differences. Maybe they have a smaller budget. Maybe they are new to your industry. Maybe they don’t have the capacity to invest time and effort into a 1:1 programme. Maybe they’re an introvert.

There are so many potential reasons that someone will be a perfect match for your 1:Many offer. Know them so you can tailor your marketing to them. 

3 - Specify your lead magnet to the new avatar

This new ideal client avatar should determine the rest of your marketing efforts. That includes the automated elements like the lead magnet and email marketing that follow it to bring them to the point of purchasing. Consider the priorities, obstacles and desires that set their soul on fire. Create a lead magnet that they can easily identify as perfect for them and have the capacity to follow through with. 

For example, if your 1:Many option is suited to your audience that is limited time-wise and your usual lead magnet is an hour masterclass, even if the topic interests them it’s unlikely they’ll follow through with watching it. Make sure you’re sending leads to a lead magnet that will keep them engaged in the rest of their journey with you. 

4 - Distribute content between 1:1 and 1:Many

When you bring multiple offers into your business with different client avatars, it can get a bit overwhelming. So planning is essential! How are you going to distribute your content marketing between your 1:1 offers and your 1:Many offers?

As you’re booked up, you might not see the need for using content marketing to gain new 1:1 clients. Referrals or repeat clients might be filling that gap for you. You can then focus all your content marketing efforts on your 1:Many options. 

If you want to continue marketing both, try dedicating each week in your content plan to a singular offer, allowing you to focus on attracting and nurturing a certain type of client at a time. If you’re marketing on multiple social media platforms, you might find that one is more suited to your 1:1 clients while another is more suited to your 1:Many clients. Think about how you can segment your email marketing to introduce the right offer to the right subscribers. 

5 - Give insights into your personal side

With 1:Many offers, there is already a lack of personal touch, especially with products like online courses where the whole delivery is prerecorded. On top of that is the automated sales process. It’s less likely that you’ll have discovery calls for 1:Many prospects like you do with 1:1 leads. Compensate for that within your content so leads can believe in you and put their trust in you to the point where they’re willing to buy from you. 

Brainstorm what similar experiences you have with your ideal client and share those. It’s so much easier to trust someone that you identify with. Show some behind the scenes content about what it’s like working in your business. Open up to them and they’ll open up to you. 

6 - Practice taking action with them

Again with the sales process being automated in many areas, you’re not there to coach people through the decision to work with you. What you can do is encourage them to take small actions earlier on in the customer journey to make taking big action later on easier. If someone is passively reading your content the whole time and then you suddenly ask them to buy from you, it’s more challenging to get them to take that action. 

Instead, activate leads early on by asking them to follow, like, comment, share, save and all the other engagement CTAs. Take it a step further by asking them to cross platforms to read a blog or join your email newsletter or sign up for a lead magnet. When acting on your asks becomes second nature, the decision to buy something from you is less of an uphill battle. 

What now?

Scaling through 1:Many offers is an amazing opportunity. You can help people and grow your business without being tied to your desk. To enjoy this success, you’ve got to have a marketing plan suited to attracting, nurturing and converting specific 1:Many leads. 

Make sure you have the systems in place to Fuel Your Funnel with active and qualified leads. That doesn’t mean working more hours than ever before. You’re meant to be stepping back from business and enjoying all your hard work! It’s about being super efficient and intentional with your marketing. 

For insights on what you could do to get more leads into your sales funnel, I’ve created a quiz! There are just 10 multiple-choice questions and at the end I’ll let you know what your marketing priority should be for filling your funnel with perfect 1:Many leads. Take the free quiz for more specific direction!


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