How to Market a 1:Many Offer Alongside Your Signature Service

I’m all about having multiple income streams as a business owner. Adding less intensive service options frees up your time, energy and headspace while continuing to boost your bank account and allowing you to help more people. Financial freedom unlocked!

In theory, it should be an easier sell because 1:Many offers tend to be cheaper to reflect how they are more hands-off and don’t have many opportunities for personalisation. However, the reason why they are more affordable can reduce their perceived value. 

If the perceived value of a product doesn’t exceed the actual cost of the product, you aren’t going to have people scrambling to sign up for it. 

So, how do you increase the perceived value of your 1:Many offer without giving away more of your time, expertise and energy? It’s all about how you market it. Here are 3 prompts to get you started.

What do they get access to?

What you can deliver in a 1:Many offer is often very high value. So let potential customers know all about it. 

Volume can look impressive but it’s not the be-all and end-all because it can also seem overwhelming. Focus on your years of experience, high-level expertise, proven strategies and action-supporting resources. What treasures are they unlocking?

What’s the value of doing it themselves?

There are pros and cons to both bespoke services and on-demand resources. Lay out the benefits of a DIY approach to intrigue people who fit the bill for it. 

They can go at their own pace, build their confidence and maybe even grow within a community if that’s a feature of your offer. A high-value selling point here is the skills they can build and use in the future. How are you setting them up for ongoing success?

What are the tangible outcomes?

When you lead with the outcome, it’s much easier to build interest in the solution to get there. Get specific because it’s more intriguing and believable. 

In general, people want more time, less stress and more financial freedom. How does your offering help them with any or all of these? What amount of time can they expect to save? What could they do with that extra time that will make their life even better? Paint a picture through a hypothetical situation or a real client story. 

Give it a go yourself and let me know how you get on. 

If you found this helpful, copy the URL and share it with a fellow business owner. They can sign up to be the first to hear about next week’s content prompts by scrolling to the signup form at the bottom of the page. 

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