The Truth About Selling Out Through Your Email List

When we - copywriters, marketers, business coaches and that random woman on Facebook - say that your email list is one of your biggest business assets, we mean it. I have a client who has sold out her group programme through her email list, twice. To this very day when she sends regular emails, she gets more enquiries for her ongoing one-to-one work. There’s a direct link between her email list and her sales. 

We know her success is largely driven by her email list because she’s not on social media. Who in this day and age would think you can have a very successful business without being on social media? It’s her choice because of the industry she works in. She’d have to be very careful about what she says on social media legally. I’m not running a campaign to get you off of social media. It’s another opportunity for your future clients to find you, get to know you and make the decision to work with you. It goes to show social media isn’t everything. Putting work into your email list is very much worth it. 

So how did she do it? How did she create an email list that is so ready to buy?

Make Email Newsletters a Non-Negotiable

For the past 9 years, she has sent email newsletters to her list. Even when her list was tiny. Even when she was booked out. Whatever was going on in her life and business, she nurtured her email list. Your email list is full of people who are interested enough in your business and what you have to offer to sign up to get more content from you. They have the potential to be your biggest supporters if you treat them right. Show up for your audience and they will show up for you. 

Regularly writing emails doesn’t have to take a load of time and money. She’s repurposed content, turning old blogs into fresh emails. Reminding people of your core messages is always a good thing. The numbers don’t lie! One time she slowed down on the emails after a launch and saw a drop in general enquiries. After getting back into email marketing, her numbers went back up. I’m telling you, it works.

Back It Up with Blogs

Blogs and email newsletters are best friends because they bring each other up. Some of her best-performing emails give an introduction and link to a blog post, leading subscribers to click through to find out more. The email itself is short, sweet and to the point so even people who aren’t that invested in you will read to the end and if your copy is compelling enough, click through to the blog. By offering subscribers a blog to read about the topic you’ve discussed in the email, you stack value on top of value and get the most out of the blog you wrote. Plus it gets people onto your website where they may find themselves on your sales page. 

Blogs support email marketing in the other direction too. Write blogs that include keywords and answer FAQs and they will rank on Google, introducing new people to your business. Make sure you’ve chucked in a CTA to join your email list or grab a freebie that leads to your email list and that’s more subscribers for you. Writing regular blogs works particularly well for this client because they give her the space to explain her expertise and attract new leads to her list without posting on social media. 

Go Into Launch Mode

Not every email needs to link out to a blog. I like to switch between an email that promotes a blog, an email that tells a story or strategy and an email that sells a service. I take a slightly different approach when in launch mode. I wrote a set of blogs and emails to help this client prepare to launch her group programme. As it’s live, she only launches it a couple of times a year and focuses on one-to-one work the rest of the time. The email campaign reflected the timely manner of the offer. 

For people to be in the mindset to buy, they need to have had 3 realisations: they have the problem that you solve, it’s a problem worth solving now and you’re the person to solve the problem. So the content of the blogs and emails first helped her audience identify the problem in themselves, then explained the impact of the problem persisting vs the problem being solved and finally sold the group programme in all its glory. It sold out!

Any asset requires investment. That’s the same for your email list. It takes time, effort and consistency but it pays off big time with regular enquiries and sell-out launches. Start sending regular emails that nurture your list now so you’ll get to the point where there are enough people on your list ready to buy for a strong flow of clients. You don’t have to wait 9 years to get results. It depends on your target audience, industry, business development, brand positioning and all the moving parts that make up your business. But it will never happen if you don’t start writing and sending emails. 

I have an email newsletter writing service where I figure out what to include in your email newsletters and how to word it so you don’t have to. I also offer a 3 channel service where I write your email newsletters, blogs and social media posts that position you as the go-to for your audience, get more people on your email list and create plenty of opportunities for connection with your future clients.
Book a call to discuss what I can write for you.


How to Grow, Nurture and Sell to Your Audience Through Content