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Why bother writing weekly content?

I’m not going to BS you by telling you to post every day, multiple times a day. Unless you have a marketing team behind you, it’s unrealistic and a fast track to burnout - no thanks!

Although I would say that posting multiple times a week is manageable and well worth it. I know that might not be what you’re looking for. You’re hoping I’ll tell you that you don’t need to have an online presence to grow your business. I’m sure it’s possible. But I wouldn’t say it’s easy for solopreneurs and small businesses operating digitally. 

Keeping the honesty and realism going, here are the reasons you should be posting content weekly. 

#1 - Your Ideal client lives online 

Unless you are looking to attract a very niche community of people to your business, I can confidently say that the kind of people you want to work with browse the internet. Whether Googling questions, checking emails, scrolling Instagram or promoting themselves on LinkedIn, they have digital interactions probably on a daily basis. 

That means it’s a great way to get in front of your ideal client, ensuring they know that you exist and where to find out more information about you. 

#2 - Your ideal client is looking for information online 

Sometimes audience members will come across you by accident. They just see a post of yours pop up in their feed and take it from there. Other times it will be more intentional because they are looking for information about your area of expertise: the problem you solve, the results you achieve, the strategies you use etc. 

By creating informational content about your zone of genius and how you can help people through your services, you’re speaking to what those audience members are looking for. Instead of leaving them to your competitors!

#3 - Your ideal client is looking for support online 

It’s not just the cold hard facts that your ideal client is looking for online. Community is a big part of our online browsing behaviour. They might like engaging with inspirational and motivational content, others’ experiences and stories, or entertaining takes and funny stories. Creating supportive content helps people to stick around and continually engage with your business. 

Build in that back and forth so your audience can become familiar and comfortable with you. Only a deeper connection can create loyal clients. 

#4 - You can build a relationship with your ideal client online

The back and forth is key. Consumers rarely make a buying decision after a single interaction. They need time to build trust with the brand and belief in the service and product. That’s fair. Clients spending money with us is a privilege. So engaged social media followers, email subscribers and blog readers are the way to go. 

That’s why regular weekly updates are so important. It creates multiple touchpoints with your audience so they have the opportunity to find you, get to know you and trust you. 

Have I convinced you that updating your content marketing channels weekly is worth it? It’s an accessible way for solopreneurs and small business owners to create a strong flow of leads from the internet to their client list. 

If you’re thinking ‘Sounds great but I don’t know what to post’, don’t worry I got you. I created a quiz that will use your personal responses to formulate what type of content you should post on social media next. Take the quiz ‘What should you post on social media to end your low engagement streak?’ now!