My Done For You Content Writing Services

In a time where genuine people sharing genuine content is breaking the mold, you want to show who you are, what you’re all about and that you’re here to help. 

But your message is getting lost in translation.

That’s if you have time to write it at all. 

Your social media account is more like a game of hook the duck, relying on luck rather than meaningful strategy.

Your website is a deadweight instead of a conversion powerhouse. 

You don’t know what your customer journey is, nevermind how to use email sequences to bridge the gap between key touch points so you can get more leads crossing the finish line AKA working with you. 

Blogs and email newsletters are collecting dust at the bottom of your to-do list, along with that new programme you’ve been meaning to launch for years but you don’t know where to start with all the copy. 

You just aren’t showing up in the way your ideal client needs you to.

So it’s time to make a change. 

How it feels right now before working with Powered Up Content, a copywriter for small businesses.

 You feel totally out of your depth when it comes to writing copy for your business 

  • You’d rather go swimming with sharks than talk about yourself and what you do

  • Your customer journey is such a jumble, leads are getting lost in the maze

  • You spend hours writing content that doesn’t get you any results 

  • Procrastination is losing you all-important clients

With help from Powered Up Content, a copywriter for small businesses.
  •  You have a sustainable strategy for showing up online as your authentic self 

  • You finally see your heart and soul in your copy 

  • You have a strategy behind each piece of content you share 

  • You’ve got an expert on your team, guiding the way and saving you precious time 

  • You’re finally speaking to your ideal client in a way that gets them thinking “OMG yes! I need to work with them ASAP!”

Get booked and (the right kind of) busy

I’ll create the copy for your two most important marketing and selling assets - your website and email list - then research, strategise, plan and write content that leads the right people to them by delivering:

SEO website copy

Homepage, about page, services page and 3 sales pages

Email sequences

3 funnels, each funnel has a landing page and 7 follow-up emails

SEO blogs

2 blogs per month including keyword research, meta title, meta description, URL text, images and their alt text, and internal and external links

Email newsletters

A weekly email newsletter so usually 4 a month, promoting blogs and services 

Instagram posts

3 Instagram posts a week so usually 12 a month, each with a short spiel for a story promoting the post

LinkedIn posts

2 LinkedIn posts a week so usually 8 a month and one LinkedIn article 

Pinterest posts

5 Pinterest posts a week so usually 20 a month promoting the blog/driving traffic to the website

The package includes:

  • Blog images, email layouts and social media visuals

  • Scheduling

Build an Email List of Buyers

I’ll research, strategise, plan and write content that builds one of your most important marketing assets and best selling tools - your email list - by delivering:

Email sequences

3 funnels, each funnel has a landing page and 7 follow-up emails

SEO blogs

2 blogs per month including keyword research, meta title, meta description, URL text, images and their alt text, and internal and external links

Email newsletters

A weekly email newsletter so usually 4 a month, promoting blogs and services 

Instagram posts

3 Instagram posts a week so usually 12 a month, each with a short spiel for a story promoting the post

LinkedIn posts

2 LinkedIn posts a week so usually 8 a month and one LinkedIn article 

Pinterest posts

5 Pinterest posts a week so usually 20 a month promoting the blog/landing pages

The package includes:

  • Blog images, email layouts and social media visuals

  • Scheduling

Choose how you'd like to receive help from Powered Up Content, a copywriter for small businesses.

Stay Visible

I’ll research, strategise, plan and write content for your monthly content marketing covering:

SEO blogs

2 blogs per month including keyword research, meta title, meta description, URL text, images and their alt text, and internal and external links

Email newsletters

A weekly email newsletter, so usually 4 a month, promoting blogs and services 


3 Instagram posts a week, so usually 12 a month, each with a short spiel to post on Instagram Stories promoting the post


2 LinkedIn posts a week, so usually 8 a month, and one LinkedIn article

The package includes:

  • Blog images, email layouts and social media visuals

  • Scheduling

Stay on top of your online presence with social media, email newsletter, blogs and website copywriting services.

Strategic Content Plan Package

I’ll research, strategise and write a CONTENT PLAN that includes the content idea, headline/subject line/first line and call to action for:

SEO blogs

2 blogs per month including keyword research, meta title, meta description, URL text, images and their alt text, and internal and external links

Email newsletter

A weekly email newsletter, so usually 4 a month, promoting blogs and services 


3 Instagram posts a week, so usually 12 a month, each with a short spiel to post on Instagram Stories promoting the post


2 LinkedIn posts a week, so usually 8 a month, and one LinkedIn article

You’ll be part of the creative processes mainly through monthly 30 minute account management calls to brainstorm ideas, track progress and report any business updates

For £250 a month with a 3 month agreement

Our pact when we work together

It’s my responsibility to produce creative content that aligns with your brand voice and ideal client and organise it into a marketing strategy for consistent visibility. 

It would also be irresponsible of me to overpromise just to get you to work with me. A long-term commitment to consistent content across multiple marketing channels is known to result in positive business outcomes including increased brand awareness, improved trust and a strong flow of leads to the business. 

But there are multiple other factors that influence these outcomes and client conversions such as how you engage with your audience online, how you engage with your wider business community and the sales conversations you have. 

Content marketing is an important piece of the puzzle. Only you can put all the pieces together. 


 “I don’t know what to choose!” or “My needs don’t quite fit into these packages…”

Fill out an application and book an initial consultation so I can guide you to the best option for you, creating a bespoke package if needed.