3 content ideas for social media series posts

As someone who loves watching people make food on Instagram Reels, I love a good social media series. 20 days of 20 minute meals? I’m in!

I also see how well social media series can work for almost all industries, niches and businesses. I’ve done one called Visibility = Buyability where I share content ideas and sentence starters every weekday for the final 6 working weeks of the year. 

I like it for various reasons:

  • It gives people a reason to follow me and watch out for my content in order to not miss out on an edition of the series

  • It gives me a framework to work through so I don’t have to make up my content from scratch each time

  • I become known for something that helps my ideal client find me and choose to work with me

If you were to do a social media series, what would you do? Here are some ideas to get you started. 

#1 How to 

This is where I’d categorise the recipe videos I like to watch and my content idea series. It’s about giving actionable information within 90 seconds that your audience can act on and gain benefits from straight away. Seeing how useful that 90 second clip was, your audience follows along with the series to get even more value. 

What’s an achievable problem you can help your ideal client to solve in a series of 90 second clips without giving it all away?

For example, “20 days of…

#2 Hard hitters

Do you have lessons to share or wake up calls to give your audience? You could do that in a series. Instead of instructional, it’s more conversational. It’s about sharing your experience and point of view. Do you have mindset tips or any other shifts that made a massive difference to you? This is the time to get a bit more personal. 

Choose a topic to theme your insights around that will be relatable and/or attractive to your ideal client. 

For example, “A [personal and professional descriptor]’s perspective on…

#3 Follow me as I 

Not everything can be condensed into a 90 second clip. How about you share it in instalments instead? Split the process into chapters. The process could be something professional that you know the end point of such as how you work with a client to get results. The process could be more abstract and about personal growth such as your progress as you commit to journaling every day for 90 days. 

What’s a more substantial process that your audience would be interested in watching you go through?

For example, “Follow me as I…

There you have it - 3 content ideas to inspire you to start a social media series.

If you found this helpful, copy the URL and share it with a fellow business owner. They can sign up to be the first to hear about next week’s content prompts by scrolling to the sign up form at the bottom of the page. 

Feeling stuck because you like these content ideas but know you just don’t have the time or headspace to turn them into pieces of content for your business? I can write your content for you. 

Go make content magic!


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