3 content ideas to get more website visits

We want potential clients to visit our websites. We put so much effort into selling ourselves, our businesses and our services. It’s a great conversion tool. If your audience finds themselves there…

Let’s help them out. 

#1 Promote your blog 

The point of blogs is to drive traffic to your website. The traffic can come from multiple places. Don’t just rely on Google and SEO. Let your email subscribers and social media followers know about your latest blog and entice them to hop over and read it. 

For example, “We need to talk about…”

#2 Tell your story 

An about page is a staple of a website so why not use that as an entry point? Pick a single point in your journey to focus on and then send your audience to your website for the full story. Even better if it’s a point in your journey that your ideal client can relate to in some capacity, whether it’s an experience they’ve also gone through or a fear they’ve grappled with too. 

For example, “The pivotal point that took me from A to B…”

#3 Sell a service

Whether it’s a freebie with a landing page on your website or a service outlined in a sales page on your website, write a post taking a stance on it and send your audience to your website for all the details and the signup details. 

For example, “How to make the biggest impact on your goal to…”

There you have it - 3 content ideas to inspire you to start a social media series.

If you found this helpful, copy the URL and share it with a fellow business owner. They can sign up to be the first to hear about next week’s content prompts by scrolling to the signup form at the bottom of the page. 

Feeling stuck because you like these content ideas but know you just don’t have the time or headspace to turn them into pieces of content for your business? I can write your content for you

Go make content magic!


3 content ideas to grow your email newsletter


3 content ideas for social media series posts