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How to get clients on Instagram without being annoying

Instagram is a pretty cool place. It lies between the formality of LinkedIn and the craziness of TikTok so a lot of us feel more comfortable there. It’s more real without requiring awkward dances. 

Also, it can be a great place to meet new clients. Either because they’re also hanging out on Instagram for their business or because it’s where they like to share their life, connect with others and consume content. 

But we’ve all seen businesses do Instagram wrong and fear falling into that pushy, cringe-y trap. Fear no more! There is a way to win clients on Instagram without sacrificing your dignity. So let’s get into it…

Be someone they want to follow

Unless you have an impulse buy product - which if you have a transformative service you probably don’t - we need to interact with leads multiple times before they even think about buying from us. In Instagram terms, they need to follow. 

That means being someone your ideal client wants to show up in their feed over and over again. So your content should be valuable to them because it’s useful, meets them where they’re at and resonates with them. What’s their sense of humour? What do they want to change? What similar experiences do you have? Start by creating a space your ideal client wants to be part of. 

Set up stepping stones

Not everyone feels comfortable buying on social media. Many of us aren’t in that buying mindset when we’re scrolling Instagram. The process can be a lot smoother when we set up stepping stones for our audience to get closer and closer to us until the sale becomes the obvious next step. 

These stepping stones escalate from in-platform actions including liking, following, commenting, sharing, saving and messaging to off-platform actions including joining your email list, opting in for your lead magnet, joining an event and booking a call. That in-platform to off-platform switch is powerful because it shows a real commitment to your business. So don’t forget to turn them into calls to action in your content!

Approachability over authority 

We don’t go to Instagram to be preached to and pressured. We go to Instagram for escapism and exploration. It’s much more important that you’re approachable than authoritative. The two can go hand in hand but generally when people lean too far into being authoritative, it makes their audience shy away and not feel good enough to approach them about getting their help. 

Remember the world asks a lot of us. Showing your mistakes, flaws and quirks makes you more relatable and therefore your ideal client feels more comfortable turning to you to help them out. If you’re willing to get real, so will your audience. 

Excitement over fear

I don’t want people to work with me because they’re scared of what will happen if they don’t. I want to work with people who are excited about what will happen when they do. Let’s make positivity spread like wildfire. That’s a strong motivator for working with someone - stronger than fear because that’s a reactive emotion. 

When you talk about what you do in video format and when you write about it in captions and such, do it from a place of excitement about the transformation you provide. Be someone who helps others to work towards the good. Focus on their aspirations and inspirations.

Transformation over urgency

In the same way, I’m not a fan of fake urgency and getting people to sign up for something before they’re ready. It doesn’t feel good for anyone. The transformation you provide is enough of a motivator to get them to act. 

If anything, write content about the mindset your clients need to be in to say yes to you and see the change they want to create. Shift their mindset instead of pushing them over the edge. Validate their fears. Explain how you deal with them. Validate their hopes. Explain how you fulfil them. 

So those are my top tips for winning clients on Instagram without being annoying. The biggest mindset shift here is that you can be you and sell your services at the same time. In fact, being you sells your services because it makes you someone your ideal client wants in their feed and creates that approachability. If you make sure to talk about the transformation you provide with excitement and lay out the stepping stones to you, you’re good. 

I’ve got frameworks that suit these steps to winning clients on Instagram, including a whole tool kit on Instagram essentials (how to strategise your bio, stories and carousel posts), inside The Content Oracle. Boost your Instagram profile’s attractiveness to your ideal clients by dipping into The Content Oracle now.