Your content should be making your business money. Here’s how.

Disclaimer: This advice isn’t for influencers who exclusively make money through views, commissions and affiliate links often due to impulse buying. It is neither for people who are looking for quick wins and to make money no matter the cost, often sacrificing integrity, dignity and self-respect. It is for solopreneurs and busy business owners who are in charge of their own marketing and want to know how to do it better without sacrificing their values. 

Content marketing is a money-making exercise. Not directly because you’re not getting paid per like. You’re not going to convert someone through a singular piece of content. It’s indirectly by building a relationship with your audience so they turn into paying clients. Create multiple touchpoints that lead to conversion. 

These are the types of touchpoints you’re creating with your content.

Brand awareness i.e. “Oh I know her”

Example: A conversational post that intrigues your ideal client and encourages them to share their own thoughts (I’ve got a framework for this exact piece of content in The Content Oracle)

Your ideal client can’t buy from you if they don’t know you exist. So you need to create content that gets in front of and appeals to people who need you but don’t yet know you. Think about the mindset of your ideal client when they’re new to you. 

  • What’s their knowledge base and the language and concepts they’ll understand?

  • At this point, what are their priorities and what do they want now?

  • What problems do they know they have? These might be symptoms of the core problem. 

  • What solutions have they tried and failed or think will work for them?

Authority building i.e. “She knows her sh*t”

Example: An educational post that gives tips and advice tailored to your ideal client (I’ve got a framework for this exact piece of content in The Content Oracle)

Knowing you exist isn’t enough to make a purchase. Potential clients need to believe in you. They’re putting their problem in your hands. That’s a big deal. So demonstrating your expertise and why you’re the one to fix their problem is really important to making money from your content. 

  • What’s your background and experience?

  • What advice can you give them to try out themselves?

  • What results have you achieved for clients?

  • How are you doing things differently?

Relationship building i.e. “I love her!”

Example: Describing the community you are creating and inviting them to join (I’ve got a framework for this exact piece of content in The Content Oracle)

The more interactions you have with an audience member, the more likely it is that they will go ahead a make a purchase or refer you to a friend. So look at your content marketing with a long term perspective. We want to keep interacting with businesses we find useful, insightful and enjoyable. Be the voice of your ideal client and say to them what others won’t dare to. 

  • How can you make them smile?

  • How can you make them feel seen?

  • How can you make them feel part of your community?

  • How can you make them feel connected to you?

Converting i.e. “I work with her - it’s amazing!”

Example: A sales post outlining the power of your service (I’ve got a framework for this exact piece of content in The Content Oracle)

The final hurdle and bringing your audience to the point of buy-in. This will be a unique journey for every client. Think about what they need to know to say yes to you. A big part of the buying process is learning about your services more than once. Give them time to mull over becoming a client of yours. The price, the time commitment and the willingness to change and be challenged. 

  • What is practically involved?

  • What’s the emotional transformation?

  • What social proof do you have?

  • Why should they sign up now?

You see making money from your content isn’t just about hard sales. In fact, I find that makes people uncomfortable and puts people off. It’s about positioning your content as something they want in their social media feed and email inbox. It’s about positioning your business as a legitimate solution. It’s about positioning yourself as someone they want in their life. 

Money-making content is made easier with The Content Oracle as it is constantly updated with new content frameworks, step-by-step structures for how to write a certain piece of content, that you can get access to by becoming a member. 

It’s about time your content benefited your business. Big time.


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