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Write an “A thousand bajillion percent” mission statement to activate your audience

I started my 2024 content with a bang, putting out a post that generated a flurry of views, reactions and supportive comments. Even better, it was a post that established what I was all about. Essentially, I was sending out a bat signal to my ideal client that this was the place to be. 

So much so, a connection that fits my ideal client profile perfectly commented “A thousand bajillion percent”. Let’s see if we can do the same for you. 

For reference, check out the post on my Instagram or my LinkedIn. The essence of the post was “In 2024, I want to make more women more money. Because we need more financially free women in the world.” Here are the steps to follow to get to your captivating mission statement. 

And why does that matter?

Take a piece of paper or open a new doc on your laptop. Write in a sentence what you do for your clients. 

For me that would be “I write content and copy for quietly ambitious women in business”

Then ask yourself why does that matter?

It could be something like “Women in business are so busy that they don’t have the time to write their own content and copy and figure out how to do it effectively.”

Okay great, but why does that matter?

I’d say “Content and copy is a powerful vehicle of connection with their ideal clients and customers that will help more people to find their businesses and make the decision to buy from them.”

Amazing, but why does that matter?

Well because “My clients have really cool businesses that create transformational results and they deserve to earn a lot of money from all their hard work.”

We’re almost hitting the juicy stuff, so why does that matter?

“Money is a vehicle to more greatness in their businesses and in their lives. Financial freedom unlocks another level of amazingness for women to be a shining light for those around them and to have enriching experiences themselves.”

Word that as a mission you’re eager to be on.

Ta-da “In 2024, I want to make more women more money. Because we need more financially free women in the world.”

Give it a go yourself and let me know how you get on. 

If you found this helpful, copy the URL and share it with a fellow business owner. They can sign up to be the first to hear about next week’s content prompts by scrolling to the signup form at the bottom of the page. 

Feeling stuck because you like these content ideas but know you just don’t have the time or headspace to turn them into pieces of content for your business? I can write your content for you

Go make content magic!