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3 content ideas to grow your email newsletter

If you know me, you know I’m all about the golden triad of content marketing - social media, email and blog content. They each have their own value and each intertwines to create a nurturing and engaging client experience that takes potential clients from “Who is she?” to “OMG I need her”. 

A key part of this triad is driving traffic from social media onto your email list because it’s a much more reliable way to contact your audience. You don’t have to fight an algorithm to show up in the feeds of people who need you. So without further ado, here are some social media content ideas to turn your followers into email subscribers.

#1 Give them a good reason

Asking people to join your email list for ‘news, updates and tips’ is far too vague. It doesn’t feel valuable enough for most people to give away their email addresses and welcome you into their inbox. So give them a good reason to join. Explain the specific kind of value you provide in your emails and the impact that will have on their life. Sell your email newsletter like a paid-for service.

For example, “The easiest way to up your [topic you provide value on] game”

#2 Tease an email topic

If you plan your email newsletters ahead, at least a little bit, you can write a social media post that links to the next edition of your email newsletter and encourage your audience to sign up to get all the value in it. While my emails always include 3 content ideas, each has a different theme so the theme could be a teaser over on my social media. It creates a sense of immediacy to sign up before the newsletter in question is sent. 

For example, “The first thing you need to know about [email topic]”

#3 Build the hype of exclusivity 

To get social media followers to join your email list, you need to prove that they’ll get significantly more from it than just following you on social media. That might seem obvious to you. But we can’t assume anything. Communicate everything. What do you share on email that you don’t share on social media? Let them know so they can make the informed decision to opt in. 

For example, “Unlock [what you share exclusively on email] for free today”

There you have it - 3 content ideas to drive social media traffic to your email list. 

If you found this helpful, copy the URL and share it with a fellow business owner. They can sign up to be the first to hear about next week’s content prompts by scrolling to the signup form at the bottom of the page. 

Feeling stuck because you like these content ideas but know you just don’t have the time or headspace to turn them into pieces of content for your business? I can write your content for you

Go make content magic!